The First Drop


The results of my last class at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

These pieces were created in a studio surrounded by my twelve classmates. That made getting time on the torches near impossible. Each move I made was strategic and well thought out—if I were to gain any progress on getting my ideas from paper to physical metal work, I had to work fast.

There were a few mistakes along the way, naturally. So what did I do? I melted them into a little metal button. That’s right, melted all those mistakes into a glob of new possibilities. It is quite therapeutic to hammer out all of your frustrations and there isn’t anything more satisfying than metal doing exactly what you want it to do.

Looking at the final results give me a sense of joy. Finally, being able to hold what was only sketches of lead on paper a few weeks prior! The colors so bright, the metal glimmering at every angel and a balance the two give one another.

Each week I will continue to bring my ideas to life and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I plan on making a journal entry for each drop— for those of you who are interested in the story of how they came to be. Again, thank you for your support and following me on this new journey!


Two weeks and 17 rings later...