Two weeks and 17 rings later...

How has it already been two weeks and some change since the first launch? You know, it was very nerve wracking. I told myself I couldn’t look at my computer until the end of the day and to my surprise I had a few orders! That was rewarding—that was what reassured me that this leap of faith can be worth it.

I have had about 10 rings halfway made from class and it was so exciting to pick those back up and finish what I started last March! I had a few other new ideas and that included entering my first ever piece into a Valentines contest. I even went on a wild moose hunt for it! You see, the company is called Turquoise Moose and the piece I entered was turquoise. So naturally, I needed to go find a moose to make my piece complete!

I drove 45 miles out the road and by rotten luck I found a moose bedded down under a tree. I wish I could say rotten luck but honestly I said a few prayers and asked for some help from my Grandma Carol. She always supported me in everything I chose to do, so I figured she could pull some strings for me this time. It was such a peaceful encounter but the silence had never been so loud. It was just me and the moose.

Yes, I talked to it. I told it how beautiful it was and how I was so glad I found it. I told the moose why I was there—so it could help me maybe swing a few votes with my first ever piece of jewelry that I entered online. I got the pictures I needed and packed up my camera. I said my goodbyes and headed back to my truck. That ride home was rewarding and reassuring that my Grandma is with me—always.

The rest of the pieces were made from start to finish at my bench! That is so fun to say— AT MY BENCH! I really enjoyed the creativity and freedom of going to and leaving my workspace when needed. Overall— there was blood, sweat and singed cat hair put into this drop. Oh, singed cat hair? That’s a story for another time.


Where does the time go?


The First Drop